Modernize your Zimbra
The new Zextras Theme for Zimbra web interface
- A better graphic workplace for the daily use.
- Modern-looking.
- No need to change your work routine! We didn’t modify the classic UI you know.
- The Zextras theme is designed for Zimbra Network Edition and Open Source Edition.
- The Zextras theme is compatible with Zimbra 8 and Zimbra 9.
Get Zextras Theme for free
Download themeAlready Zextras User? The theme is already included starting from the version 3.1.5.
As End User
You can easily choose the Zextras theme through the Preferences section: Appearance.
The way the interface works is exactly as before, so that you won’t waste time learning where to find commands.

As Sys Admin
Easy installation. Download the Zextras theme Installer through this page and run the installation script on your server.
Zx Theme is compatible with Zimbra Open Source and Zimbra Network Edition, starting from the 8.6 up to the latest Zimbra 9.